Generate a N from another N or the overlap of other two Ns.

In this section, we introduce the other functions to generate N on the 3D BC, which was generated in "Create a background cloud (BC)".

Prepare the Ns

First, we create three Ns. N No.2 and No.3 are partially overlapping. N No.1 is isolated with them (Fig. 1). After generating the Ns, we use the "Open N(s)" menu (Fig.2) to open them with different colors (Fig. 3), which N No.1 is in yellow, No.2 is in red, and No.3 is in green.


  • NicheA can export the configuration of a selection to a file, so that you can reset the selection's status or transfer a selection from one scenario to another. Click here to get more detail about this process.
  • Three Ns generated in this paragraph above can be downloaded via this link.

  • Figure 1. Create three Ns on the different localities of BC.

    Figure 2. The menu to open the generated N(s).

    Figure 3. Open the Ns with different colors.

    Generate a N from another N

    We create a selector which overlaps with N No.1, but doesn't overlap with N No.2 and No.3 (Fig.4). Then we invoke the "Create a virtual N" function in the menu, which we have used in the previous section. But the dialog is a little different with the previous one (Fig. 5). Two N lists in this dialog are selectable which were blank. After selecting N No.1 in the second list, and clicking the "OK" button, a new N is saved successfully. When you open the new N, you can see that the new one (in blue) is inside of both N No.1 and the selector in both E space(Fig. 6) and G space (Fig. 7).


    The N can be downloaded via this link.

    Figure 4. Create a selector which overlaps with N No.1.

    Figure 5. The "Create a virtual N" dialog with two selectable dropdown list.

    Figure 6. The new N (in blue) which is inside of both N No.1 and the selector in both E space.

    Figure 7. N No.1 and the subset of N No.1 in G space. The subset is in blue, and N No.1 equals to blue + yellow.

    Generate a N from the overlap of other two Ns

    Let's go back to the dialog in Fig.5. We check the radiobox "By MVE of N below:", and select N No.2 in the first dropdown list. In the second dropdown list, we select N No.3. After clicking the "OK" button, a new N is saved to the selected folder. If we open it in NicheA, we get the Fig.8. And if we open the raster file in N folder in ArcGIS, we get Fig.9. In Fig.8, we can see that the new N (in yellow) is inside of both N No.2 and No.3. In Fig.9, the yellow areas are also the overlap of red and green areas.


    The N can be downloaded via this link.

    Figure 8. Generate a N which is the overlap of N No.2 and N No.3.

    Figure 9. The scenario above in G space.


    In this section, we introduced two ways to generate N. But the ways for generating N are not limited to these. In the following sections, we will introduce more options, such as generating a N from an ENM's result, moving a N from one BC to another, and so on. We believe that you can invite more methods with your extraordinary imagination!