Test the availability of the functions in NicheA

  • 1. Click About menu, -> Troubleshooting, then select a raster file (GeoTiff or ASC format) in your computer. If there is not an appropriate file on your computer, you can download a sample file via HERE.
  • 2. If you see a dialog showed in Fig. 1, it means GDAL functions on your computer works well!
  • Figure 1. The dialog shows GDAL functions works well on this computer.

  • 3. If you see two maps, ImageMagick convert command works well on your computer!
  • Figure 2. The dialog shows ImageMagick convert command works well on this computer.

  • 4. If you see two diagrams, R runtime environment and R packages work well on your computer!
  • Figure 3. The dialog shows R runtime environment and R packages work well on this computer.